Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Liebster Award

Thank you to Fallen Angel for nomination me for the Liebester Award.
If you would like to participate all you have to do is:
1) Thank and link back to the giver
2) Answer the award giver's questions
3) Nominate 5 other blogs that have fewer than 200 followers
4) Ask questions for one's nominees to answer.
5) Post the Liebster's Award Picture on your post
 Fallen Angel's Questions 
1. What is the best book you have read with a swoon worthy hero?  
     The Tiger's Curse Series by Colleen Houck- Ren and Kishan are both very swoon worthy.

2. Do you prefer Paranormal or Contemporary in your books?
    Mostly paranormal, but I don't mind a contemporary every once in awhile.
3. What is your favorite series?
    As of this year, my favorite series is the Tiger's Curse series with Vampire Academy/Bloodlines as a close second.
My Questions
1.  Have you ever read a book that has made you laugh, cry, groan in frustration, and was a book that you couldn't put down until you had finished?  If so, what was the book?
2.  What is your all-time favorite book, the book that you could read over and over again and never tire of reading?
3.  Who is your favorite character crush?
4.  If you could be a character in a book, what character would you be?
My Nominees  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Book Review: Tiger's Destiny by Colleen Houck (Book four of the Tiger's Curse Series)

My Review: I have one word: Wow! The months that I had waited and envisioned how Tiger's Destiny would turn out and I can honestly say that I had been wrong on many things. This novel was a thrilling surprise that left me breathless as I delved into the world of the cursed tigers and the hope of breaking that curse once and for all.

I thought nothing would surprise me when I first picked up this book, but i was very wrong, but not in a bad way. The twists and thrills that Colleen Houck created in Tiger's Destiny were truly magnificent and captivating. I wasn't able to put the novel down for more than a few minutes at a time.

Once again, Collen Houck captivated me with the story about magic and love. This book brought me to tears of the tragedy and difficult choices the characters had to go through. I also fell even in more love with the series than I thought possible. My heart stopped during some of the more... dramatic moments of the story. I only wish that I could have dived into the pages of this novel and take part of the story; to see the characters, to experience the magic and love that fill the pages, to be apart of a destiny that is inspiring.

Already I can fill the need to read the next installment of this series. What else could Colleen Houck up her sleeve... or mind... for Tiger's Dream- especially with how Tiger's Destiny had ended. The torture of waiting has already set and I impatiently await for the next part of the story.  6/5 STARS

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Random: Blending Sticks

Blending sticks are simply amazingly awesome when it comes to drawing/sketching!  
I shall never go without them again, lol.

Books I've Read: September 2012

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck
Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck
Tiger's Voyage by Colleen Houck
Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent

Drawing: Tristen

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